Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Audrianas hairdo

I'm going on a hair, make up and fashion show on Thursday, and I am thinking I might try Audrianas hairdo for the occasion. We pretty much have the same hairstyle and color these days.

Do you believe in telepathy?

Trying to put this bookcase together telepathicly... Nothing has happend so far. Still waiting... :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Graffiti as art

A friend of mine just bought this amazing painting by an artist called Limpo. He's an amazing artist who startet out as a graffiti painter in Brazil (I think!). Isn't this painting amazing? Imagine it being about 7 feet tall.

Sometimes you need to be lost to be discovered

I've been looking for these high sneakers from Fred Perry for the past six months and as I pretty much gave up thinking I'd probably need to buy those similar ones from Converse - then I FOUND them!! And in a store I usually never visit... Lesson learned.

I love these. In my mind they go with everything, well at least an everyday look. And they are soo comfty! Coz there's nothing worse then to pay a lot of money on uncomfortable shoes, right?

Friday, September 25, 2009

I soo want these

Brian Atwood's Lola shoes

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make up tips of the day

As we all know there's an ocean of different eye shadows on the marked. But if I could give you one or two tips of great ones it would be Make Up Store's or MAC's base shadows. These are great to play around with and very long lasting. When it comes to an evening make up I strongly recommend MAC's high pigmentet "Pigment Powders". They come in all colors and have a fantastic metallic, frosty glow to them. They come in these small cute containers but lasts for a very long time. Or you can use Make Up Store's Micro Shadows, also great for that "wow-effect"!
As for tools to put them on I would recommend MAC's brushes and they're so easy to work with! You too will feel like a pro!
I have this rule though, if I put a lot of make up or color on my eyes I always use a nude or light pink color on my mouth...otherwise it can look a little too much.

Good luck everyone and have a great day!

(If you don't have any of those stores in your area you can always order online
www.makeupstore.se/usen/home.php or www.maccosmetics.com/)

From blonde to dark brown

Yep! I finally did it! My hair went from blonde to dark brown in just a couple of hours.
And I got to say that I LOVE it! My eyes are actually blue and not blue/gray anymore.

Having a darker color of your hair highlights a lot of different colors in your face too. And it's easier to "get away" with more make up and you can have like blue eye shadow without it looking weird. And I can FINALLY mark my eye brows the way I want.
I really thought it through before I did it though. Otherwise I would prabably been more shocked by the result then I actually was. But it is a big step to take, so just make sure you really want to do it. I Thank my hairdresser Maria for the fantastic result, she's the best!

Well, one of the steps is taken to a better fall and winter now. Happy coloring!!

Thanks for reading this and have an awesome day!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My new wallet

I just just love it!

My inspirations

I get inspired by a lot of things. It could be a movie, an interview with someone interesting or someone random I just met. I love it when people just kind of rush by and leave a big mark just by being "great" in their own way.
Lately I've been very inspired by Kandee Johnson - the one and only. She's this amazing make up artist who has a great blog (check it out here) Even though she's fantastic as a make up artist she's even more fabulous as a person! She's the kind of person you wish you had as a friend from the very first minute you see her.
She has taught me a lot about make up through her videos on YouTube, but she has also taught me to be more positive and fun!
So if you feel a little bit down and gray, please watch her videos on YouTube, and I guarantee you feel a lot better! Check out her YouTube channel here)

Now I'm gonna take a picture of my new wallet (love it!) and try to learn how to upload pics on this blog...

"Have an awesome day"! And thanks for reading this :)

New at this

Hi guys!

Trying this out... I promise to be back soon with something awesome :)

Have a great day!